
Ancient limestones and a pint for me this afternoon. A fragrant, cold meadow is before me, fragrant from earth, love and lust, ready for my spirit to invoke your past. 

All I have at the moment are disjointed thoughts and no clear view of where to run, as I crush my bones against the tide of historic walls etched with runes, rushing to me as a guilty moment that won't leave me until I am finished telling you how much I want to lie on your chest, to breathe in your scent.

Whilst I compare my regrets to the small joys of having your presence made of aether with the surprise of your emails, I suggest we have tea with Jove, and I shall hold a clover to remember you, after the rain, after the fog.

© Text by: Orlando Barahona
© Image by: Richard James/Flickr

Creative Commons License This work by Orlando Barahona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 


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