

Your acquaintance has led to two years of alternating joyous camaraderie that evolved into a good friendship and vicious arguments resulting in a painful separation, often months at a time. Spare me the woes of your past and the turbulence of your present to reach a state of mindfulness with you again.

"Depression lives in the Past and Anxiety in the Future," as an unknown source wrote. Such is the wisdom I enjoy sharing with you today.

Can you breathe my pain when the laughter stops and the negative cycle of your mental disorder re-surfaces in the room? The moment your second personality appears there is no option but to abandon all empathy, and your presence. 

No future can be forged without a will, so amidst the darkest of all fantasies, mine is to know you better. After every verbal battle, we shall conquer the desire to engage in full-body combat again.

I sincerely hope to find a resolution to arguments brought on by our contrasting personalities to support and console each other, to find our peace within and enjoy our differences. This continues to be my wish.

Always your friend,


Text: © Orlando Barahona
Image 1: © Jeremy Brooks
Image 2: © LCassi LJ/Flickr

 This work by  Orlando Barahona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 


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