
Two young male friends

Between the sky and I is the story of two. Two men. Two children. Both of us threw away our lives without regrets other than those you would impose, and I agreed to. 

Flung across the room are all the scorching adult experiences caught on film, DVDs replete with adventures from other people you wish would have happened to us. Alas, no more.

We met three years ago, when I moved into the new building. You asked of me to come to your apartment to have a drink, and as with all lonely people, you talked, and talked, and talked... I had the opportunity to explore your company during outings to the Marina in San Diego, to attend choice festivals and toward the end, to convert me into a fan of the Padres baseball team. Yeah! I also enjoyed NASCAR, but the best parts of our friendship were the graphic and lewd conversations we used to have. 

I'll miss you. Your volatile temper and erratic behaviour gave way to promises broken, to lies and obtuse comments about my occupation and my life in general, of how the contrast between your generous sharing of electronic goods was followed by pettiness. I'll miss you, dog.

© Text: Orlando Barahona
© Image: Wayne S. Grazio/Flickr

Creative Commons License This work by Orlando Barahona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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