
It’s been said that writers breathe in sighs and less oxygen permeates the brain because of it. Today, there are several reasons to be sad and yet every step I  take builds a story I want to tell, hoping to see light at the end of my walk. I sit on the sofa and it absorbs my grief; my fingers meet rugged fabric weaves that now feel what I feel. Sigh...

How to describe two beautiful eyes looking out from a window soaked in sun, still dim from the end of my love affair? Everyone must accept their lot in life and somehow, I still refuse the hand I’ve been dealt with. Should I be proud if I am dirty? Would I be proud if no one believes what I believe in? What am I supposed to do, now that unfulfilled desire has  returned?

I let go of these thoughts when I feel the cat sitting on my lap warming my hand now. That elusive happiness my life needs will be felt not in sighs but in smiles when I find it. Until then, running on the beach down the cliff from my house shall remind me that there are things larger than myself to console me.

Text: © Orlando Barahona
Image: © Day Donaldson/Flickr

Creative Commons License This work by Orlando Barahona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 


  1. Beautiful. Such vivid writing- I feel like I’m there with you...looking out the window...soaked in sun.

  2. Beautiful- such vivid writing...I feel as I am there with you...looking out from the window soaked in sun...


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